
Ensuring security in shopping centers, especially at night, requires continuous and effective supervision. The security of these large facilities is exposed to a variety of threats, including human threats such as trespassing, vandalism, burglary and theft, as well as environmental threats such as fire, smoke and gas leaks.

However, security teams may encounter resource constraints, such as personnel, equipment, and budgetary limitations, that can make large area coverage difficult to achieve. This can result in vulnerable areas that are susceptible to security breaches.

Furthermore, it remains a significant challenge to ensure accurate and reliable security patrols.


The main idea of the solution is to create:

<aside> 💡 A robot security assistant for shopping malls during night shift.


Our solution is a robot that will patrol the mall at night when the mall is closed. The robot will detect smoke, suspicious noises and unexpected movements. It communicates everything with the security guard via an app. The robot will follow a pre-determined route.

Block Diagram

Robot Diagram

And here's another block diagram specifying each component of the robot and what they do:

robot.drawio (1).png

Flowchart of the project

In order to illustrate how the user will be able to use the project, there has been made the mobile application and the robot flowchart.

Mobile App Flowchart

Robot Flowchart

Operational Definition